On our “Christmas Eve”" we had an Extravaganza with special surprise guests! Aunt Sue and Uncle Billy came to suprise us! It was so great seeing them. We played games and had a blast!

I jumped into the photo!
Then Dad tried to take a photo of us, but he cut out Uncle Billy completly! Dad, were you wearing your glasses?
All our stockings in a row….
You already saw the Christmas Post from a few days ago…On December 26 we video chatted with Doug’s family, but took no photos! We are so lame. We got to see BG open gifts and be all cute. It was super fun. Thank you to DJ, Steve, Tom, Jenni, Craig and BG for making it special.
On real Christmas Eve we had some special visitors. Shawn, Lauren and Sam stopped by so we could give Sam her Christmas gifts. She was super excited to open her gifts…

She did way better this year!
She saw other gifts wrapped and offered to open those as well, but we graciously declined. So cute.
Doug and I had a really laid back Christmas Day. It was the quietest Christmas day we will ever have from here on out. 
Love and Hugs, Lizzie