Monday, December 28, 2015

Lizzie gets a new bedroom!

It was decided (as mentioned before) that the king size bed would be moved down into the living room. The living room is not a big room, but my moving men made it work.


I was placed on the sofa and told not to move. Belly photo!2015-12-06-19-00-25_IMG_3173

They were finally ready for the big mattress…2015-12-06-19-07-34_IMG_31762015-12-06-19-07-34_IMG_31772015-12-06-19-08-00_IMG_3179

And then I had a bed…downstairs! Thank you Doug, Andrew and Ashley!

Another special thanks to Ashley and Andrew! You guys rock and have made life so much easier for Doug and I. We are so blessed to have you in our lives.

On to more bedrest updates! Open-mouthed smile

Love and Hugs, Lizzie

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