Sunday, November 15, 2015

Frosty’s–Parents of frozen embabies

Three days later we got the call that both eggs fertilized and they both looked good. One was 7 cells and one was 9. They were officially being frozen that day.

So doug and I went out to get Frosty’s!


Our frosty family:



We ate the “parent sizes” and brought the two babies home to ceremoniously put them in our freezer. Just like our real babies were placed that day.



I put them in and we saw them every single day until they implanted those two babies.


We chose to make every step of this crazy process special. You know me: Do it big or go home!

The next step of the IVF process was to wait until my next cycle. We had some time, but sadly my body did not heal was well as we had hoped. I ended up with a huge cyst on my ovary and had to have another surgery. More updates to come.

Love and Hugs, Lizzie


  1. I am so happy you are going to have all these details forever! Love you all!

  2. O...m...g! Hahaha I just snorted laughing, loudly. I love you guys! ~Jackie
