Tuesday, February 10, 2015

NYE–after midnight 2015 begins!

After the HOB bar, we hoofed it back to Jacque and Scott’s with plans for chocolate martini’s.


Once we got there we drank awesome martinis and had a blast. Finally when it was time to go to bed, I was moving stuff around and broke a champagne glass.

Such a klutz. IMG_6718

So I ask Jacque for something to clean up the glass with and here she comes a mini vacuum…IMG_6721

and takes over. I tried to take it from her, but to no avail. IMG_6722

Scott walks in and is like…"WTF”IMG_6723

So we partied on the floor for a bit..IMG_6725


Then since Jacque had the vacuum out, she decided to do some cleaning.



Scott was super pumped about it. IMG_6729

Finally, all the class was cleaned up and the Christmas tree needles were picked up. IMG_6730

Then we crashed…IMG_6732

Doug was DONE.

The next morning, this is what I woke up to…IMG_6735

Sexy Scott cooking praline bacon and breakfast burritos. IMG_6736

It was so damned good. Thank you so much J and S!IMG_6737

We had such a blast. Thank you for the invite, for an amazing night and the amazing breakfast.

We are ready to party with you next year!

Love and Hugs, Lizzie


  1. Um, this sounds way more fun than our NYE. However, forget all of the Boubon street shenanigans......I want Scott to make me praline bacon and breakfast burritos!

  2. I know how you feel! I am still jealous of myself for the breakfast feast!
    Hail Scott!
