Friday, October 3, 2014

11 Random, Fun Things

1. For the 4th of July, I made Lemon Berry Tartlets! I brought them to Gay’s annual 4th of July party!


2. Doug made his very own pickling juice and pickles!


We are up to 20 recipes on our wedding goal! Way ahead of schedule.

3. The worst caricature ever done.


4.Doug got a blessing for his Birthday! Here he is at St. Joseph!IMG_1643

5. FIGS! My mom is the best. No, seriously. AND SHE GAVE ME FRESH FIGS!


Be jealous.

6. My friend, Tim, is now a priest! We went to see him say mass last month at St. Catherine. I really enjoyed his homily!


7. We love sunglasses….especially ones that give us mustaches.


8.This is why life can sometimes be hard. I want both! Damn you Pinterest for putting that fit broad next to Apple Pie Dumplings. Ug.


9. Ashley went to a tattoo parlor and had the artist apply a temporary tattoo. She was there with a friend getting a tattoo and the funniest part is that the artist had no idea how to apply a temporary tattoo. It was his first ever. Cracked me up.


10. The Best Tattoos ever needs to get their princesses straight! See the error below in the bottom right tattoo. IMG_1792

If you don’t know I will tell you – THEY PUT CINDERELLA’S COACH WITH AURORA.

What a bunch of idiots.

I am such a disnerd.

11. DOUG MADE CARAMEL. and it was so damned good.


Love and Hugs, Lizzie

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