On the morning of August 8, my lovely, sassy husband woke up, put on his red dress…

and ran from our house to the Red Dress Run. 
Yes, the RDR is in the French Quarter. 
Yes, that is many miles away. Yes, he is a beast.
Evidently, he got a few honks on River Road and some cat calls on St. Charles.
Doug ran the RDR. Sarah and I dressed up in red dresses and went to pick him up. 

We got there to a sea of red. 

Hundreds of runners all in red. It is quite a sight to see.

After the run, we decided to have a beverage. We tried Arnaud’s but it was closed. Then we tried GW Fins, but they were closed. Then Sarah thought of the Frozevelts at the Roosevelt!
Off we went. Doug finally sat down and relaxed.

We got plenty of odd looks at the pool bar until about 30 fellow runners came to enjoy the pool also. 
We enjoyed the Frosevelts and some pizza from Domenica. What an awesome day.
We relaxed by the pool bar for a few hours and enjoyed the odd looks. I think we explained the RDR to about 100 tourists.
Until next year!
Love and Hugs, Lizzie
P.S. No, I let doug ride in the car home. He did not have to run home.