Jamie invited us tubing at Tiki Tubing (in Denham Springs on the Amite River) a few months ago and we had no plans on the date she picked! We discussed it and I decided we should give it a go. Doug likes tubing, but I was concerned about the Princess Lizzie side of me disliking it and making Doug miserable.
I think I have been tubing once when I was much younger, but I can’t be 100% sure. I have no proof (photos).
When we told Jamie we were going she got really excited as she has invited us many times before and we have always declined (usually because we already had plans).
I told her I wanted a big, two man tube or I was not going to have fun. She assured me they would have them so we planned to go.
I wanted one of these tubes:

Not one of these:

Funny Side Note: I even called Tiki Tubing and left a message that I wanted to reserve a two man tube and asked them to call me back. I never got a call back and when I got there I understood why.
We had spent the night in Hammond (after Nikki’s wedding) on Friday night and headed to Tiki Tubing the next morning. We left Hammond on time and beat everyone by about 5 minutes. Pretty perfect timing.

We parked and that is when I saw the old, sad school bus that would drive us to the drop off point. If you know me, you know I hate public transportation and I had a mini freak out. I (in my little princess mind) thought we would be riding in these pretty white 10 person passenger vans with AC. Well, that was silly. The funniest part is that Doug knew we would be riding on an old, dirty school bus, but he never brought it up. Smart man. See, he is sneaky.
We got there and waited for our whole party. The line was incredibly long.
We waited, got our forms signed, our bracelets and wet to get our ice chests checked. No one was there so we kinda skipped the line and headed to the busses. We are bad.
I wanted a front row seat to prevent car sickness/anxiety so I hopped on the bus that was there, but then no one else did. I made some friends and hopped off the bus a few minutes later.
We hopped on a bus and got to the spot where we could pick our tubes. 

Of course, they had just run out of the big two man tubes I wanted, but the bus driver recommended 2 comfy tubes for Doug and I. After much debate, we drug our tubes to the water, got our our bungees and connected our tubes to the group. I had a tube that let me sit in the water and it folded out to support my legs. It was awesome. I was not even upset they ran out of big two man tubes.

We started floating. I popped out my BIG umbrella and sat in the shade the entire ride. 
We stopped at a few sand barges and ate, played football, chatted, etc.
Doug rode in a hot pink tube the entire time. See it on the far right?

I rode in the tube closest to the bottom right corner. See how it folded out and sat like an arm chair? WORTH THE EXTRA MONEY!
I reapplied sunscreen only once as I was under the umbrella the whole time. 
Everyone brought food and fried pork chops, jello shots and other random foods were passed around. We shared our watermelon and healthy fruit we brought. 

We brought Doug’s manly camera that is water proof and sweat proof. It is the camera he brings with him to run marathons.

We had stopped on a sand barge and asked some random guy to get a group photo. Here we are!
I wore tennis shoes that were super old. Once we got back to Nola, they went right into the trash. 

I think one of my favorite things is Shelly singing. I wish it never ended.

I am happy to report that I had a GREAT time. I loved it. It was really fun and relaxing – we tubed for almost 5 hours. My inner princess would have changed a few little things, but now I am prepared and I know what I need to do next time. AND YES, there will be a next time Jamie!
Thank you for inviting us. We had a great time!
Love and Hugs, Lizzie