Monday, November 19, 2012

The rest of the trip…Atlanta

After Bertie and Katie’s awesome wedding, we woke up on Saturday and headed back to Atlanta.

We arrived back in Atlanta to hang with the family and watch the LSU/Alabama game. Mom and Dad were in town too! It was a family affair.

We all hung out at Andrew’s apartment to watch the (intense) game. Andrew was generous enough to give us his bed. We stayed there that night and went to church with them Sunday morning.

After church headed back to Nola.

So here was our crazy diving schedule:
Thurs –drive from Nola to Atlanta – 8 hours
Friday – Drive from Atlanta to Pawley’s Island – 6.5 hours
Sat – drive from Pawley’s Island to Atlanta – 6.5 hours
Sun – drive from Atlanta back to Nola – 8 hours.

WHEW! What a weekend! We were exhausted, but we did get these pictures to share:


It was great to see them. And we got to see Fall colors!

Love and Hugs, Lizzie

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