Doug’s company picnic is held each year in October at the Audubon Zoo! We had to miss it last year, but this year I had it marked on the calendar for months.
We arrived and hung out with Chris, Stacey, Kennedy and Benjamin at the picnic pavilion. The food was yummy and the company was better. We visited with Doug’s co-workers while the kiddos jumped in/on the inflatables.
Once it was time to go into the zoo, Kennedy asked me very sweetly if I would go to the zoo with her. I, of course, said YES! We explored the zoo and had some fun.

My absolute favorite part is feeding the giraffes! I dragged the entire group to the giraffes when it was time! Kennedy and Benjamin both fed the. I, of course, fed them too!

As we walked by “the chase” statues, I tried to remake this photo:
but clearly, I had Doug take it from the wrong side:
But check out how scary the kiddos look! :)
At 3 pm, Peter and Laura arrived at the Zoo. We hugged and parted ways with the D’s and hugged and welcomed Peter and Laura. Peter and Laura were visiting Nola from Miami for 3 reasons. 1. To see Nola. 2. To see Doug and I and 3. To see a friend of theirs in town for a convention that happens to live abroad. Quite an effective trip!
We showed them around the Zoo and visited. It had been a few years since I had seen Laura (a Disney College Program roommate) and I had never met her new amazing husband, Peter. She had never met Doug so it was quite an event!

We hung out at the zoo until it closed and then we headed to Jacques Imo’s for dinner! We got there early and avoided the possible 2 hour wait. It was FANTASTIC! Dinner we delicious and I LOVED spending time with them. 
After dinner, we headed downtown to meet up with Bristol (their friend living abroad) and headed to the new Walk On’s on Poydras. We went to the private space upstairs and watched the first half of the LSU game.
At halftime, the group decided they wanted to hit the town! Doug and I graciously bowed out as it had been a long day, we are wussy, and I wanted to watch the rest of the game. At the end, I think we both approved in the others choice of husband! :) Good news overall.
The tigers won that night, I got to see Laura and Peter, eat fabulous dinner and spend my day with adorable kiddos (and Doug). It was a great Saturday! Also, did I mention that I had 26,315 steps that day!? 10 miles walked :)
The only thing I am sad about is we only took 2 pictures with Laura and Peter. Next time we will do better. Love you LaLa!
Love and Hugs, Lizzie