4 days = 5,760 minutes.
I have dated Doug for about 1643 days = 39,420 hours = 2,365,200 minutes.
I have spent the past 40 thousand hours dating doug! That sounds like a long time and not much all at the same time. It has been an amazing ride and a fabulous four years. I would not trade any of those 2.3 million minutes for anything. No, things were not always perfect and wonderful, but we used those times to learn. We are stronger today than we have ever been before.
I cannot explain how excited I am to marry DB. He is everything I ever hoped for and more. These next 60+ years are going to rock. I am the luckiest girl on Earth.
I love you DB!
Love and Hugs, Lizzie
P.S. Sorry to go all sappy on you…weddings are kind of emotional!
I am loving these countdown posts!