In honor of 10 days left, I will tell you my 10 favorite memories with Doug:
10. Starting the New Orleans Restaurant Club together – our restaurant club. We have a pretty serious following (and I can’t wait to get it started up again after the wedding!)

9. DB bought a house on the day we had our first real dress up date. After seeing a play we bought champagne and toasted on his new front porch.

8. Running/exercising with Doug almost daily. We are always trying to get more steps than the other. :)

7. When Doug got “Nipples” drunk at the LSU vs. Ole Miss game. His altered state he thought he heard someone yell, “Nipples” and so he thought he should also…and he did….very loudly. :)

6. My 30th birthday over Mardi Gras! Doug and Ashley made a HUGE celebration on St. Charles. It was the best birthday of my life!

5. When DB and I took a two week road trip to Pennsylvania and back. We visited DC, Hershey Park, met Dave Ramsey AND finished it off with Jenni’s wedding!

4. When Doug, Ashley and I traveled all over Ireland and visited London. Doug drove and I am pretty sure we thought we were going to die. Ashley and I say it was terrifying, while Doug said it was fun.

3. When Doug surprised me with a trip to NYC for our 2 year anniversary. We saw Rock of Ages on Broadway and hung around NYC.

2. When Doug flew to Boston from the UK to surprise me for New Years Eve in 2007/8! (He and Ashley have been partners-in-crime ever since.)

1. When Doug proposed on April Fools at Arnaud’s Restaurant in 2011.

It has been an awesome, fun ride with the DB. I can’t wait to see what is in store for the future.

Love and Hugs, Lizzie